01.11. –

verschoben, online Preview: Stage for disappearance - Lisa Lurati kuratiert von Riccardo Lisi

von La Rada
Outside Rohling

Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage, wurde die Ausstellung in den Januar 2021 verschoben. Ein Brief und Bilder der Künstlerin als kleine Vorschau:


Letter from the stage, sometime in June


The Stage for disappearance doesn’t support any actor nor a script

It is a testimony of something that happened and that has to happen yet

It is spread out in time and space


The stage doesn’t tell a story as the plants aren’t about a specific type of flora

It is a merging of different plants we look at but also clouds, a forest, a landscape

Those floras come from the past and from the future and they meet in the very present

with the ones I found yesterday walking


They are wondering whether the earth or the sky is the place to be 

They can’t decide


In the meantime we die and others are born and we grow 

and we lift each other to the very up


And doing so we leave traces which get deleted

And we delete ourselves 


(Lisa Lurati)

Di – Sa14 – 17h

3. Staffellauf - RELOADED

29. Aug – 15. Okt 2020


16. April – 08. Aug 2020